
Japanese Bankers Association

Survey on Stolen Passbooks

JBA followed its August survey with another survey of its member banks (180 banks) on the "Quantity and amount of withdrawals using stolen passbooks," "Quantity of accounts suspended or cancelled by banks due to illegal use" and "Quantity and amount of withdrawals using counterfeit cash cards."

(Table 1) Withdrawals using Stolen Passbooks

(number of cases, million yen)

Period Cases Amount
April 2003---June 2003 244804
July 2003---Sep. 2003 183685
Oct. 2003---Dec. 2003140246
Jan. 2004---March 2004 107223
April 2004---June 2004 5551
July 2004---Sep. 2004 8071
Notes: 1. These figures depict cases in which the actual withdrawals had been made by the time banks were notified by customers that withdrawals had been made using stolen passbooks.
2. The period indicates when banks were notified by customers that withdrawals had been made using stolen passbooks.
3. The figures for cases represent the number of account holders.

(Table 2) Account Suspension and Cancellation by Banks Due to Illegal Use
(number of cases)
Period Suspension CancellationTotal
April 2003-June 2003 733583 (320)996
July 2003-Sep. 2003 2,5121,749 (648)3,613
Oct. 2003-Dec. 20036,1815,466 (2,489)9,158
Jan. 2004-Mar. 2004 8,7928,039 (4,754)12,077
April 2004-June 2004 7,7147,687 (4,974)10,427
July 2004-Sep. 2004 10,8588,555 (5,340)14,073

Notes: 1. The illegal use of accounts refers to bank accounts used for illegal/criminal purposes (examples include designating accounts for payments to loan sharks, designating accounts for payment of false invoices related to web-site use and "it's me" fraud).
2. The figures represent the number of accounts.
3. The figures in parentheses are the number of cancelled accounts for which use had already been suspended.
4. The figures in parentheses are not included in the total.

(Table 3) Withdrawals using Counterfeit Cash Cards
(number of cases, million yen)
Period Cases Amount
Fiscal 2001 119
Fiscal 2002 412
Fiscal 200391272
April 2004---June 200452188
July 2004---Sep. 200470273
Notes: 1. The figures illustrate cases where banks believe counterfeit cash cards were used to make withdrawals or cash loan transactions.
2. The period indicates when withdrawals were made using counterfeit cash cards.
3. The figures for cases represent the number of account holders.