The JBA TIBOR has been calculated and published by the Japanese Bankers Association (JBA) for "Japanese Yen TIBOR" rates since November 1995 and "Euroyen TIBOR" rates since March 1998. The "Japanese Yen TIBOR" rates reflect prevailing rates on the unsecured call market; the "Euroyen TIBOR" rates, the Japan offshore market. Publication of these rates contributes to the development and vitalization of Japan's short-term financial markets. Since the establishment of the Ippan Shadan Hojin JBA TIBOR Administration (“JBATA”) on April 1, 2014, JBATA has undertaken the calculation and publication of the JBA TIBOR from the same day.
This change of publication body does not give rise to any revision to the definition and calculation methodology of JBA TIBOR as well as to the name of JBA TIBOR, therefore the JBA TIBOR published by the JBATA can be used as the same as the JBA TIBOR published by the JBA regardless before and after this change. Please see the Q&A published on the JBA TIBOR Administration’s website.
Please refer to the “Report on Review of JBA TIBOR Administration" published on December 27, 2013 regarding the background of the JBATA establishment. Please also see the JBA TIBOR Administration’s website for JBA TIBOR.