(A) Planning Concerning the Operation of Payment Systems

The JBA conducts planning concerning the operation of payment systems which are vital for the Japanese economy. Payment systems operated by the JBA include:

Based on the “Payment Services Act” that was enacted in June 2009, the operator of the Zengin System had become to be required to acquire a license from the Prime Minister of Japan as a “Fund Clearing Agency”. Consequently, JBA established Japanese Banks' Payment Clearing Network (Zengin - net) as a subsidiary of JBA in April 2010, to start its operation in October 2010.
The JBA also serves as the secretariat for the SWIFT User Group of Japan and some CD/ATM networks such as BANCS, SOCS, LONGS and MICS and the Japan Multi-Payment Network Management Organization which operates the MPN system providing Pay-easy services.

(B) Promoting Proper Consumer Transactions

The JBA provides the following foundations for banks to maintain proper transactions with their customers:

  • Establishing self-regulated rules for customer protection
  • Preparing model agreements and operational procedures for fair transactions with consumers
  • Establishing and managing 51 Consumer Relations Offices nationwide to receive consultations, inquiries, opinions, and complaints from bank customers
  • Coping with financial crimes (remittance solicitation fraud, illicit deposit withdrawal, money laundering, etc.) in cooperation with concerned governmental organizations such as the National Police Agency or the FSA

(C) Promoting CSR and Reinforcing Compliance

The JBA leads banks in fulfilling their corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an enterprise while conducting its own CSR activities representing the banking industry. It also supports banks in reinforcing compliance in their businesses through the following activities:

(D) Supporting Banking Business of Member Banks

The JBA conducts research and planning concerning banking-related matters, expresses the industry’s opinion on various issues and provides policy recommendations through activities such as the following:

  • Drafting guidelines and universal formats for banking businesses
  • Expressing opinions on financial system reform and other banking-related matters
  • Researching banking-related matters and providing policy recommendations